Why You Should Invest in a Turbo Blanket and the Benefits of Using a Turbo Blanket

Kool Wrap Turbo Blanket Cummins QSM11

What is a turbo blanket?

A turbo blanket is a heat protection blanket that prevents and isolates heat from your turbocharger. Turbo blankets not only control the heat being produced from your turbocharger, they also prevent heat damage and potential ignition from damaging anything surrounding your turbocharger.

Turbo blankets are extremely beneficial to the safety and protection of your turbocharger and can prevent any potential hazards and damage.

It is important to consider investing in a turbo blanket for many reasons as there are many benefits to using one.

Turbo blankets protect surrounding areas and not just your turbocharger

Not only do turbo blankets ensure the heat isolation of your turbocharger, they also have the capacity to protect any surrounding objects and areas around your turbocharger, including: plastic and rubber hoses, electrical wires, engine bay and the surface of the hood.

Additionally, the use of a turbo blanket is also able to control the amount of heat distribution to the overall engine compartment. This type of control will prevent any overheating and any potential damage to the engine itself.

Improves the performance of your turbocharger

The turbo blanket is able to contain the heat within your turbocharger and the exhaust gases centralised within the turbocharger, that in turn improves the overall performance and function of your turbocharger.

With the increased pressure, control and better flow of exhaust gas and heat throughout the turbocharger, the acceleration of the turbochargers impeller is immediately increased and improved, creating for a more responsive and easy to boost turbocharger.

Turbo blankets can also equally distribute coolness throughout your turbocharger

Turbo blankets are also able to keep the cool side cool and can evenly distribute coolness throughout the engine and the turbocharger to ensure that no compartments surrounding the turbocharger are overheating or being damaged.

A turbo blanket is able to separate the hot side and the cool side of the turbocharger quite well and therefore there is a balance between generating exhaust heat for better function and cool for high levels of safety and protection for the engine itself.

Turbo blankets can be affordable from certain professional heat protection businesses.

Turbo blankets are usually an affordable option and heat protection product that can not only protect and improve the performance of your turbocharger, but also be able to extend the lifetime of your turbocharger.

Typically, investing in a turbo blanket early will be an easier investment than spending great amounts for regular maintenance and servicing of your turbocharger, as well as risking the overall safety and potential damage of your engine by choosing not to invest in a turbo blanket.

At Kool Wrap, we pride ourselves on being the best in the business when it comes to professional heat protection products.

We sell a variety of turbo blankets for a wide range of turbo chargers at an affordable price.

If you want to know more about our different turbo blankets available or would like to learn more about the many benefits of investing in a turbo blanket for your turbocharger, please call us on: 0412 548 609 to speak with a member of our team today!

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