How To Install Our Latest Kool Wrap Exhaust Wrap Insulation

First, you need to work out how much of our Kool Wrap exhaust wrap do you need.

If you are wrapping smaller diameter pipes up to 37mm (1.5”), use a 25mm wide wrap. If your pipes are larger than 377mm in diameter then choose the 50mm (2”) wide wraps.

A Harley Davidson has larger primary pipes and will typically use 15m of wrap. A 4-cylinder engine will also use 15m while a V8 will require 2 15m rolls.Kool Wrap Titanium Exhaust Wrap on headers

Koolwrap offers its standard range fibreglass insulation wraps in white, natural (cream or tan) and black. If you are racing, then your pipes can easily get red hot and we would then recommend our high temp range of either a Vermiculte coated fibreglass wrap or our Titanium wraps. Our Titanium wraps will withstand up continuous exposure up to 1,800°F or 980°C. The melting point is a sky high 2,500°F or 980°C.

You do not have to dampen your Kool Wrap exhaust wrap before applying as our latest high-tech wraps are more flexible than older style wraps and confirm well to corners.

However, there is no harm dampening the wraps if you choose to. It may help to get a tighter finish and can help reduce the small fibres that come off the wraps and can cause skin irritation. Always use gloves and long sleeves when applying. If you decide to dampen your Kool Wrap exhaust wrap, do not soak the wrap in a bucket. Simply dampen the wrap under a tap or use a spray bottle.

It is easier if you work out approximately how much wrap you will need for each pipe before you start and cut a separate length of wrap for each pipe. This avoids trying to pass a large roll of wrap around the pipes.

Fold over the first 15cm of wrap to avoid a fraying end and to provide a tidy start. Then overlap the first 1-2 wraps to lock it on place. You can also add a stainless steel tie at this point to firmly hold your starting point. Then wrap slowly around the pipes using 5-8mm overlap (1/4”). The overlap will naturally increase on the inside of the bends. Keep tension on the wrap to give a nice tight finish.

You can finish your wrap with a spray paint aerosol can. You could choose a clear or a colour of your choice. This will help to lock down any loose fibres and help prevent liquids and dirt from staining your wrap.

You will initially notice the wrap will smoke when you first start your engine. This will disappear after 15-30 mins.

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Can Exhaust Wrap Damage Extractors or Headers

Steel exhaust pipes, headers or extractors have a large surface area and quickly pass heat to the air that flows around them. This heats up the air in the engine bay reducing its density. The engine then draws the hotter air in through it’s intake system. This heated air is less dense than cooler air and contains fewer oxygen molecules and the car loses some power. This excess heat can also melt ignition leads, wires and hoses.

Another lesser known fact is that as the exhaust gas leaves the cylinder head and starts to dissipate heat through the exhaust pipe, it starts to contract and lose velocity. If the exhaust gas could keep its heat level then the exhaust gas wouldn’t slow down. The inertia of the exhaust gas leaving the exhaust port of the head actually helps to draw more exhaust gas from the chamber and draws in the intake mixture. As more exhaust gas has been drawn out of the chamber the intake mixture doesn’t have to mix with the remains of the exhaust gas. The result is better scavenging of exhaust gas from the chamber, more intake mixture in the chamber and a better burn and potentially more power.

Racers some years ago tried wrapping their exhaust pipes in fibreglass tape to insulate the exhaust pipes and found the benefits mentioned above.

So, can this wrap damage exhaust pipes. In short, the answer is yes and no. It is possible that racers such as NASCAR in the USA or Endurance racers may experience overheated exhausts pipes due to the insulating properties of wrapped extractors or headers and this can cause cracking or fatigue, but in 99% applications, header or exhaust wrap will NOT damage exhaust pipes.

All mild steel exhaust pipes will eventually rust and the best way to extend the life of your exhaust pipes is to coat them first with a high temp exhaust paint or a silicone based paint.

Unlike other wrap products, Kool Wrap exhaust tapes are more flexible than other wraps and don’t require wetting prior to wrapping.

You will notice some smoking from the wrap after first start up but this will disappear over time.

There are no hard and fast rules about recommended overlap, however we say that a minimum overlap of around 5mm (1/4”) is fine although you will often have to have a greater overlap on the inside of bends.

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